Feb 282014

Try out this delicious recipe from Nigel Slater

Steamed white sprouting broccoli, with orange zest and parsley sauce
(Serves 4)

Ingredients for the orange zest and parsley sauce:
3 egg yolks
200g melted butter
lemon juice
finely grated zest of a small orange
2 heaped tbsp crème fraîche
2 heaped tbsp roughly chopped flat leaf parsley leaves

600g white sprouting broccoli

Put the egg yolks into a heatproof glass or china bowl and place it over a pan of simmering water. Add the melted butter a little at a time, beating all the time with a whisk. Squeeze in a few drops of lemon juice and add a little salt.
Stir in the grated orange zest, crème fraîche and the chopped parsley. Turn off the heat, beating the sauce briefly every now and again to stop it separating.
Steam the sprouting broccoli until tender – about 4 or 5 minutes – and then tip into a warmed serving dish. Pour over the orange and parsley sauce.

 Posted by at 8:33 pm

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